About Me_

My name is Enzo Damato. I am a Computer Science sophomore at Rice University in Houston, TX, and when I'm not at college, I live in New Windsor, NY. I would define myself as a Software Engineer and a Hacker, meaning I solve real-world problems using software and build cool stuff. I got my first computer in second grade, and since then, I've been intensely interested in retrocomputing, systems administration, networks, and enterprise software design. This page documents my lab, the projects I have completed using it, and my thoughts on the state of the industries above. Below is my contact information and a link to my resume. Feel free to reach out at any time with anything. I always love hearing about new projects or consulting on issues.

Phone: (845) 248 - 8078
E-Mail: edamato@ctc.sh
Resume: https://enterpriselab.dev/Vincenzo_Damato_ResumeS25.pdf
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/enzo-damato-8838b5240/