This site details the software, hardware, and adventures of AS25944,
otherwise known as the Enterprise Lab. It's called such because it's
designed to simulate a large enterprise network with a technical
heritage dating back to the dawn of the computer age as closely as
possible and implement the back office and infrastructure for my
facilities-based CLEC, Rice Telecom Corporation. At present, the
lab spans three racks and implements all of the requisite software
and hardware that a large telco would use, including a nationwide
IP network, mainframe systems, virtualization, storage, and
security systems.
In addition to technical documentation on the above, this site also
contains project planning guides for the larger projects that the
lab has seen, detailing the regulatory and administrative sides of
running a telco and an extensive enterprise network (lab), plus a
few of my curated thoughts on the tech industry.
Articles are broken down by category and are listed to the right.